Tell your friends & family about Starline Town Car & Limousine Service, and we’ll help everyone save some money!
Do you value loyalty? Of course, you do. And here at Starline, we do too!
That’s why we’re pleased to announce our new Friends and Family Referral Program! To benefit, all you need to do is:
- Tell a friend or family about your awesome experience with Starline and recommend our services. Note: This should be their first time using Starline.
- When your friend or family member makes their online reservation, they’ll need to type “REFERRAL” in the comments section and provide your first name, last name, and phone number.
- They’ll receive an immediate 5% discount, and you’ll receive 10% off your next personal trip. That’s it!
Easy breezy, right? But why are we doing this?
Here at Starline Town Car & Limo, we understand that satisfied customers like you are the best way to promote our professional services, clean cars, and on-time performance. And we want to help enrich your friends and family’s travel experiences as well.
So go ahead, spread the news wide and far. We’d love to meet your friends and family—and save them some money in the process!
“I use Starline exclusively because they offer the finest vehicles, professional and well-dressed drivers, and impeccable service.”
–Richard O. Conner
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